A typical vermiculite floor bottem before liner is put in.
Advantages of Penguin Pool Vermiculite pool base:
Please be aware of the serious short-comings of using packed sand as a base in vinyl lined swimming pool construction, This special vermiculite concrete offers several very important advantages:
They are much easier to apply to steep side walls, and will not wash away with changes in the water table.
They form a monolithic cast, are permanent, and will always remain in place.
They form a porous concrete. When water tables and hydrostatic pressures increase, water can pass directly through the concrete without causing any damage to the pool walls or bottom. When water reaches the liner, it spreads laterally, and passes back out safely into the ground.
They become insulating concrete which insulates your pool water from the cold temperatures of the soil beneath it.
With sand it's easy to have footprints all over your base. Footprints and indentations are rare with vermiculite. This enhances both the beauty and longevity of your pool
There is some cushioning or resiliency when a swimmer's body accidentally strikes a vermiculite floor.....an important safety feature for both you and your family.
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